Compagniesdrift Albertus pays tribute to mentors

By |2022-11-28T13:34:26+02:00Nov 28th, 2022|

Compagniesdrift is tasting sweet success with their new release natural sweet wine, the Compagniesdrift Albertus. This beautiful wine, launched during a prestigious event at the company’s facility in Stellenbosch, pays

New Season Brings New Things

By |2022-09-02T08:25:40+02:00Sep 1st, 2022|

Dear Compagniesdrift friends September is the start of spring and it reminds us of new and blossoming things, not only in nature, but also at our company. We are back

A Year to Remember

By |2021-12-21T09:42:47+02:00Dec 20th, 2021|

Dear Compagniesdrift friends We have come to the end of a very challenging year and as I look back, the highlights and low lights of this year flashes past


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